Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Life is Precious

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween!

Well here we are, welcoming November. The mornings are darker and colder, the days are shorter and sometimes slower, our hats and scarfs are on and most are excited for fireworks and carnivals!

You can probably guess from this weeks title that we're going to be discussing life. I see a lot of posts about how precious life is and how we should life, with kindness in our smiles and love in our hearts. As much as we try to do this, we get side tracked with the things that cause us pain. Things that make us too busy to remember to put on matching socks!

The past few weeks haven't been the brightest for myself and I would like to share my outlook on life through my eyes.

I try to be optimistic and happy all the time, but sometimes life can be cruel, and take us down paths of disruption. Whether it involves health issues with ourselves or loved ones, losing a job, a home or a partner, these are all things that we take for granted.

I've been watching the news more often than usual. I've witnessed so may people appear on that channel... Not because they have did something amazing, but because they have been taken away from something truly amazing. I've seen people disappear and turn up dead, I've witnessed a big issue with homelessness and poverty and as much as the media can exaggerate the major issues, we don't tend to pay attention or have a think about ourselves and how we take each and every little thing for granted.

We try not too but we all take everything for granted everyday, from a glass of water to coming home to a cuddle from someone. From getting home safe after a days work, to actually having work. From spending time with friends, to spending time alone. All these little things that I complain about daily without realising, are worth more.

This week, I encourage you all to start learning to not take the little things for granted. Be thankful every day! Even on days that you feel like the world has ended and you need something to make you happy for more than ten minutes. Take a couple of minutes, by that I mean two, two minutes a day to be thankful. You don't have to parade up and down the street and yell about it, even just sitting on the train on the way home, walking the dog or just having a quite meal with your loved ones.

Life is a precious thing. Take the kindness you have and place it in your smile, take the compassion in your heart and share it, and also take the time to be thankful for the life you have. Just because you have a bad day, it doesn't mean you have a bad life. Take the time to help a stranger. Make them smile.

This November, take an opportunity to be thankful, even if it's for a pair of gloves.

Stay warm and safe always.


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