Thursday 22 September 2016

Sooner or Later, We All Sleep Alone...

Hello everyone!

How are we this week? All good I hope!

This week has been a little strange for me in terms of being social. Over recent weeks, I haven't exactly been in the best position to go out, party, see friends. I've been in my bedroom with my PlayStation. This is something I do quite often.

I've made friends too. Some are old friends that lost touch, some new friends to keep me on my toes. So why is it that I still feel alone? Why I can't quite accept that it's ok to be alone sometimes?

I've realised that being in your own company can be daunting, lonely and sometimes it's a little scary when you're actually asked out to socialise, but it's healthy to be alone, to enjoy your own company! We all sleep alone eventually, so it is healthy to be okay with being alone, in your own space.

I've decided that from now on, I need to train myself to enjoy my own company. Whether it be shopping on my own, going to the gym on my own, or just being alone! Training your mind to accept change isn't easy, but I can tell you, it's worth it.

At the moment, I'm on my own at night and that's it. Here is my day in a nutshell. I get up in the morning, being woken up with my walking, talking alarm clock, called Dad, I make my way to work, I get to work and I sit with people 8 hours a day, I then make my way to the gym with my friends, I head home and I'm greeted with my Dad and dinner, then he goes to work and I'm alone. I spend 8 hours of my time alone.

To some people, this is awesome! They get to sit there with their thoughts, have some peace and quiet and I love that they have trained their minds to overcome loneliness! Myself however, I am in constant need of someone to talk to me. Sad but true. I've went from speaking with people every day/night to silence and it's not the nicest feeling.

So, let's train our minds together to get more comfortable being or doing something on our own! Over the coming weeks, I task you with training your mind to enjoy something that you wouldn't normally, whether it be, being on your own, going to the gym on your own, or even trying a new food, drink, exercise, weight (if you're a weightlifter) or even try weightlifting in your exercise routine!

I would love to know your thoughts on what daunts you, scares you, makes you want to run away! Tell me and let's change that mind set! Or, if you have tried it, tell me your methods. Sharing is caring and all that! :-)

Have a great week guys!

Until next week....


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