Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Trust Yourself

Hola everyone! 

I hope your weekend was as eventful as mine! Put it this was, without going into too much detail, I hadn't laughed so much in one weekend as I did just then. 

This week I want to chat to you about trust. To some, trust is something build on loyalty. To others, it's lust, or sometimes even love. There are all different kinds of trust that we build throughout our lifetime that changes our perspective on life. 

Friends who become lovers, and sometimes they can't break that chain through misplacing their trust in eachother or the situations they find themselves in. Sometimes they drift and sometimes they blossom. It's whether we can handle the pressure of the relationship or sometimes the pressure of rebuilding the trust. 

This weekend, I experienced a kind of friendship where I could be myself and not have to walk on eggshells. They accepted me as I was. Drunk, dancing, annoying, happy. All of these things didn't matter to them, they were just glad to see me smiling and I felt so comfortable, I placed my trust in them. I'm confident it won't break, but then again, it will depend on where the relationship goes. I'm in control where I can be which means it's up to me to not get too dishearten if the trust is misplaced.

My lesson this week to each of you, your true friends will cover your back, stick with you through the hardest of times and be there to sweep you off your feet while you're too drunk to stand. Regardless of your past situations, always be open to trust but you must master trusting yourself before someone else. Believe that every situation you are placed in, you are there for a reason. 

Have a think about the last time you trusted someone or someone trusted you and that was misplaced. Think about how you felt, emotionally and physically. Take that feeling and put it in the fire. Let it burn and breathe a new sense of openness and trust. Trust yourself. Take back control. Let it breathe. 



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