Monday 12 December 2016

Love Each Other As Well As Yourself

Hi everyone! 

It's quarter past midnight on a Tuesday and I was scrolling through my Twitter feed when I noticed some gamer girls just like me, posting their selfies of new piercings, tattoos or just because they felt like it! Do you know what I noticed? I noticed a girl tweeting the other girl saying how pretty she looked and it made me warm inside. 

This also made me think why we don't compliment each other genuinely all the time? Women are the biggest critiques I believe. The minute a woman walks into a room, other women look at her appearance, listen to her laugh, the way she speaks and watch the way she carries herself. 

I sometimes hear women compliment other women, some I hear things like 'why is she wearing that?' etc. I'm even guilty of it myself! 

I thought to myself, if I want to be seen as a nice person, who takes care of themselves then I feel I need to view others this way. Not judge them you understand, but if I feel they need a compliment then don't be afraid to do it! 

There are lots of people who get accused of flirting or being too friendly when they compliment someone but I find it harmless. 

So for this week, I challenge you all to compliment someone and mean it! Not just on their appearance, but if they are doing a good job at work, or if they have made a decision to make a plan and go for it, support them and compliment their efforts!

Life isn't a race, so we should help each other along the way.

Our graves will look exactly the same in the end, so stay humble.  

Have a great rest of the week! 




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