Hi everyone!
I hope this week has been kind to you.
Over the past few weeks, my head has been in a bit of a pickle. I saw a post on social media about being the awkward age of your mid twenties and I was fascinated by the points made and comments that others wrote.
This week, I want to take that list and make my own views about it and hopefully I can help others relate to this and help people see that going through awkward times are part of life.
1. You're not going to be lonely for the rest of your life.
Yes, I agree with this statement but sometimes the physicality of having someone there can still make you feel alone. You could be surrounded by one hundred people and still feel the isolation. This may seem like a negative statement but it is okay to feel like this. Reach out to the person or people who are around and speak. Talking does help and sometimes can help change your own behaviour as well as others.
2. You don't need to be working in your dream job right now.
This is completely true. As much as we make plans to start getting rich, happy or sometimes 'building an empire' out of nothing at a young age, you need to remember that there are people out there who don't actually find out what their dream job is until they are older. My mother is an excellent example. My mother is forty eight and she has recently started a baking business where she bakes and makes sweets, cakes and other goodies. My mother has been in and out of jobs for as long as I can remember and now she has found something that she really enjoys.
You can go through stages where you reach your 'dream job' and not enjoy it or it's not what you hoped for. This is okay. It's a learning curve in life.
3. Everyone feels loss at some point.
This point moved me a little.
To me, this isn't loss as in a death in the family. This is a loss of self love, love you others, and sometimes the loss of having someone there, ie, relationships.
I think when it comes to loving yourself, it's 100% important. I learned this the hard way. When you can't love yourself, you will find it hard to love others because you try and find commonality in each other. When you find something about yourself that you dislike but someone disagrees, try and find out why they love it and understand it.
4. You still have so much time to fail.
This may sound negative but it's true. There are so many people out there who fail at their jobs, marriages, relationships with others and it's only because of how they approach it. Now, how to approach the feeling of failure is something different. You mustn't see this as the end, take it as a lesson and try to go about it differently next time. IT'S ALL ABOUT LEARNING.
5. Someone is going to love you again.
After going through a breakup myself over the last few months, I can understand that you can feel like your world has ended. You feel like you won't find anyone close to them who will love you like they once did and vice versa.
The truth is that you will feel loved again, whether it's with someone new, or with an old flame. Sometimes the flame on the candle doesn't fully go out. It's dim and still, but can be made bigger and brighter with care of course.
6.You are going to love again.
Even if it's yourself...
7. You are allowed to set and keep boundaries.
This is a goal of mine actually. Especially when it comes to self care.
When you're a young adult, you're keen, enthusiastic and want to help wherever and whenever possible. Saying 'Yes' can be a dangerous word because you aren't sure what you can say no to yet.
You do not have to earn the right to take care of yourself.
8. You are never entirely without support.
I have my friends and family thankfully. My mother and father are major influences in my life and no matter what, they will always be my rocks. When I feel that I can't talk to my friends or other members of the family, I can rely on them. Even if it's something I do not wish to hear.
9. Ask for what you want.
When you're young, you're afraid to ask for what you want. Whether it's changes to your job, asking something of your partner from doing the dishes, to giving cuddles. You need to make your voice heard, because no matter how bad it may feel at the time, the tension and weight will lift from your chest.
10. 'No' is an important word.
This final point is my favourite.
'No' is something I never used to say and it used to be a word that stressed me out. Please learn to believe and learn that it is okay to tell someone no. Whether that be your boss when they ask you to stay late, or task you with something uncomfortable, to saying no to friends if you really don't want to do something, go somewhere or even when they ask you for favours. This also applies to your partners.
If you feel selfish, think about the reason why you're saying no, understand it and sometimes if you feel the need, explain it.
So, alas! I come to the end of this weeks blog.
I am trying to get over this awkward mid-twenties stage where I still don't know what my 'dream job' is, I'm learning not to take people for granted and I'm learning to love myself.
I hope you all can take something from this. Feedback on these points are wanted and appreciated.
Have a fabulous Thursday!
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Good evening everyone,
Surprise! It's 23.35 and I'm writing to you all late at night. Mainly because I cannot sleep but also to share some thoughts with you on this night.
Now, on a Sunday, we typically relax and do as little as possible so we don't have to think about Monday and what the working week has to bring. We think about the weekend and whether it was a good or bad one. We think about the people we've met, places we've visited and even the song playing in the car on the way home.
I think in life we tend to look too much into the little things and worry about the things that haven't even happened yet. I'm guilty of that, and recently I've been trying not to do this. Take each day as it comes, I tell myself daily. I think if we look at the bigger picture, we might have a different vision of our feelings on a situation and the people involved.
I've found over the last month or so, that it's okay to have a bit of time on your own to find yourself and enjoy your own company. Yes, night time is hard because you're left with your own thoughts and feelings that you don't want to face, but I find that facing these troubles with a little courage and believing you can do this on your own.
So as I attempt to sleep, I leave you with this thought. Try and not to anticipate what will happen that particular moment. Enjoy what you can, with or without a partner. Learn to love your own company and yourself. Please never think it's selfish of you.
If you have any kind of worry, dance in the dark and enjoy the music.
Cx x
Surprise! It's 23.35 and I'm writing to you all late at night. Mainly because I cannot sleep but also to share some thoughts with you on this night.
Now, on a Sunday, we typically relax and do as little as possible so we don't have to think about Monday and what the working week has to bring. We think about the weekend and whether it was a good or bad one. We think about the people we've met, places we've visited and even the song playing in the car on the way home.
I think in life we tend to look too much into the little things and worry about the things that haven't even happened yet. I'm guilty of that, and recently I've been trying not to do this. Take each day as it comes, I tell myself daily. I think if we look at the bigger picture, we might have a different vision of our feelings on a situation and the people involved.
I've found over the last month or so, that it's okay to have a bit of time on your own to find yourself and enjoy your own company. Yes, night time is hard because you're left with your own thoughts and feelings that you don't want to face, but I find that facing these troubles with a little courage and believing you can do this on your own.
So as I attempt to sleep, I leave you with this thought. Try and not to anticipate what will happen that particular moment. Enjoy what you can, with or without a partner. Learn to love your own company and yourself. Please never think it's selfish of you.
If you have any kind of worry, dance in the dark and enjoy the music.
Cx x
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
Trust Yourself
Hola everyone!
I hope your weekend was as eventful as mine! Put it this was, without going into too much detail, I hadn't laughed so much in one weekend as I did just then.
This week I want to chat to you about trust. To some, trust is something build on loyalty. To others, it's lust, or sometimes even love. There are all different kinds of trust that we build throughout our lifetime that changes our perspective on life.
Friends who become lovers, and sometimes they can't break that chain through misplacing their trust in eachother or the situations they find themselves in. Sometimes they drift and sometimes they blossom. It's whether we can handle the pressure of the relationship or sometimes the pressure of rebuilding the trust.
This weekend, I experienced a kind of friendship where I could be myself and not have to walk on eggshells. They accepted me as I was. Drunk, dancing, annoying, happy. All of these things didn't matter to them, they were just glad to see me smiling and I felt so comfortable, I placed my trust in them. I'm confident it won't break, but then again, it will depend on where the relationship goes. I'm in control where I can be which means it's up to me to not get too dishearten if the trust is misplaced.
My lesson this week to each of you, your true friends will cover your back, stick with you through the hardest of times and be there to sweep you off your feet while you're too drunk to stand. Regardless of your past situations, always be open to trust but you must master trusting yourself before someone else. Believe that every situation you are placed in, you are there for a reason.
Have a think about the last time you trusted someone or someone trusted you and that was misplaced. Think about how you felt, emotionally and physically. Take that feeling and put it in the fire. Let it burn and breathe a new sense of openness and trust. Trust yourself. Take back control. Let it breathe.
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