Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Trust Yourself


Welcome to Tuesday!

It might seem a little early in the week, but I've decided to share with you all something that I've been needing to explore, and that would be trusting yourself.

We all go through experiences in life that affect our mental and sometimes physical stability. When you're in a place that constantly rains on your parade and sometimes there are no options and you have to take the blow and rise above it.

Now, I'm not going to tell you that taking control and choosing to trust yourself is all sunshine and rainbows, because it's not. You will lose people and it will hurt at the time, but you'll survive and later find out that you're better off without the negative vibes. Trusting someone is a lot easier than trusting your gut. When someone tells you to trust your gut and listen to yourself, the truth is, you actually don't want to.

Trusting myself was something I never did. I always just waited to see what would happen and still end up disappointed because I always thought the best in people. Seeing the best in people is a good thing, but you must be wary of their faults. Some people are out to get you and not everyone is your friend. In the last year, I've certainly learned that. I've had to cut ties and most of the time they are for the better.

Tip for Tuesday! Work on trusting your inner self. There will be a time where you will have control. Embrace the change. Make it work for you.

I hope this short entry will help ease your mind on a Tuesday.



Saturday, 20 August 2016

Try Something New

Guess whose back?

Me! I had a fantastic first girls holiday with my friend K. I'm not going to lie, we did a power of drinking and soaking up the sun, so much so, that I burned my butt! Ouch.

This was my first holiday without my dad and I have to admit, as much as I missed him, I had the time of my life.

K showed me that I could have a drink and enjoy myself. I could dance until the sun came up and no one would judge up having the walk of shame at 5am, because everyone was in the same boat! Falling asleep with my chips, cheese and curry sauce, K on the phone and finding me in the most bazaar positions and actually being ok with it! That's the kind of friend you need! Regardless of your current position, they still think you're brilliant.

When I talk to people about their girls holidays, they tell me that they have fall outs with friends and sometimes don't even see those people again and it's sad! With K and I, we didn't argue or fight once! This is the truth! You can actually be with someone for a week and not fight. It's all about compromise. We made mutual decisions and listened to each other if we did feel uncomfortable. K and I danced until 5am, we went to different bars with live music and some with DJs. My feet never felt so sore, but it was totally worth it.

For anyone who knows me, I am a little intimidated by new experiences. I go into a shell and if I don't want to do something I can be stubborn and scared. K knew this, but she talked me into coming out of Santa Ponsa for a night and heading to Magaluf. It was an amazing experience, 40 euro a ticket, a tshirt, a bag, a towel and FREE drink all night long? Count me in! K introduced me to dance music and now I feel more open to new challenges and experiences.

I loved having a night out in Magaluf but my heart will always belong to Santa Ponsa.

So let me take you back to a holiday that made you feel so alive. Whether it be abroad on a sandy beach, or a long weekend with the other half. Sometimes when life gets on top of you, all you think about is the negatives, but when I think about Santa Ponsa, it makes me look at things differently. It gives me a purpose as to why I work, why I write.

Having something to look forward too doesn't necessarily mean a holiday, it could be coming home to your puppy who just wants to jump all over you because they can, it could be meeting with an old friend, rebuilding bridges with loved ones, even trying a new brand of coffee!  

No matter the reason, make sure you try something new, not for others but for yourself!

I hope you all have a great week and please, try something new!


Sunday, 7 August 2016

Tough Mudder 2016 - Let's Go Girls!

Hello folks! 

I hope you're all well this week.

This week has been busy with work but on Saturday, I completed the biggest challenge of my life so far, Tough Mudder Yorkshire 2016.

I've been training for Tough Mudder for about two, maybe three months but nothing could have prepared me for the real thing. Put it this way, I had mud in parts of me that you couldn't even begin to imagine. 

Tough Mudder isn't a competitive sport, ta all about working together to reach the end goal of running through electrical wires, which it pains me to say, I didn't run through the wires. I was too exhausted and frightened if I'm honest. It doesn't make me a bad sport, some things just aren't for you. I completed majority of the obstacles, the more muddy I got, the more I enjoyed it. 

The course was 13 miles with an obstacle every half mile. I didn't complete the course alone, I did it with my colleagues. I went through the finish line with my girls and I was so proud of all of us. 

Those 13 miles were not easy. Each obstacle made you test yourself with everything you had. If you really didn't feel ok about it, you didn't do it. It doesn't make you a bad person for missing an obstacle, it means that you just aren't ready yet. These things come with time, it's all a mental game. When I got to the 10th mile, I was ready to just throw the towel in. I was up to my chest in thick mud, I had slightly injured my wrist, I was soaking wet and it was a roasting hot day. My body wasn't aching you understand, it was my mind, it was telling me that I needed to stop. At that point, I had taken my energy gel and hoped my thoughts would get out. 

They did. I even jogged a little! I tried my best and it was all I could do. I started the course at 10am and finished it before 3pm. I took my time, went me own pace and I tried almost everything. I got over my fear of freezing cold water and heights! 

It was an amazing experience and as I write about it, everything aches but I can truly say it was worth every moment. 

My message this week? If you really want to challenge yourself, have fun with friends or just test your ability to complete the course? Do Tough Mudder. The training? Run. Run as much as you can. Mentally prepare yourself for the mud! 

It was the best thing I've ever done and I am proud of myself and my teammates! 

Now? I'm leaving on a jet plane... To Santa Ponsa to lie on a sun lounger and just relax those muscles! 

Have a fantastic week folks! 
